"Do the work allotted to you, because action is better than inaction; even your physical life cannot be run without action."
31 August, 2008
Thought of the day
"Wise sayings are too deep for a stupid person to understand. He has nothing to say when important matters are being discussed."
"If you are week in a crisis, you are weak indeed."
06 August, 2008
"The pure and virgin moment, is the present."
"Every day of man's life is judgement day."
"Flower, though remains silence, spreads its aromic fragrance."
"Each one of us making the other a source of amusement, and each one of us thinks the other is an idiot."
"The fool is busy in every one's business but his own."
"Right the wrong. Set it right."
"New brooms sweep clean."
"A friend is one soul in two bodies."
"He who has many friends has no friend."
"Morality, said Jesus, is kindness to the weak; morality, said Nietsche, is the bravery of the strong, morality, said Plato, is the effective harmony of the whole."
"Only a tree which is ladden with fruit is pelted with stones."
"Never complain, never explain."
"Don't try to reform or ask for a change of old guard."
"When you have your head above the rest, expect brickbats too."
"Wisdom will not die with the wise."
"Life is a gift of nature, but beautiful living is the gift of wisdom."
"There are two motions to action: self interest and fear."
"I cannot believe that there is a God who punishes and rewards, for I see honest folk unlucky, and rogues lucky."
"All that happens, is written, our hour is fixed, and no one can postpone it. No one can escape his fate."
"Deadmen do not visit visitors."
"Misfortune has its good side, it teaches us the truth."
"Honesty is humility; don't humiliate humility please, because humility is a perfume which attracts others."