
29 January, 2009

Economic meltdown

Amidst the ongoing economic crisis, there is still hope and scope to work hard and equip oneself by learning new things to meet future challenges. For this, one can take sparks from the following quotations by great men.

“Permanence is an illusion and that change alone is real…as it is impossible to step twice into the same stream.”

“Good means not merely not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong.”

“How to begin life at forty ? ”

“Let everyman occupy with yourself and make yourself virtuous with progressive thoughts.”

“To be just is to be means to the satisfaction of another. To be unjust is to act for the satisfaction of oneself. But the real standard of action for any sensible man would be to satisfy himself...(which in turn) will champion liberty, the rights of the common man and the practical and progressive point of view.”

23 January, 2009


"Governments saw men in mass; but our men, being irregulars, were not formations, but individuals...marring effective functioning of the state..."

21 January, 2009


"A mind which is seeking permanency soon stagnates; like that pool along the river, it is soon full of corruption, decay. Only the mind which has no walls, no foothold, no barrier, no resting place, which is moving completely with life, timelessly pushing on, exploring, exploding---only such a mind can be happy, eternally new, because it is creative in itself."

15 January, 2009

Though of the day

"There always comes a moment when those in power overstay their welcome."

"The game of withdrawal is all the more powerful."

" actually have more power when you shut up."

04 January, 2009