I fly therefore I am.
"Do the work allotted to you, because action is better than inaction; even your physical life cannot be run without action."
30 April, 2011
27 April, 2011
Monkey manners
Have a great day.

We like speakers to talk with, and not at, us, for we are all watching and listening.
24 April, 2011
20 April, 2011
17 April, 2011
16 April, 2011
Have a great day.
"Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions, it depends on inner conditions."
14 April, 2011
10 April, 2011
Have a great day.
Here are ten ways to kill enthusiasm of a person from doing work;
1. You have a problem with him.
2. Your approach is not good.
3. You don't bother what is happening around.
4. No , don't do this.
5. Don't tell me cock and bull stories.
6. Follow the rule book and guidelines.
7. You don't know anything.
8. Go to kindergarten
9. Don't invite him; he is a wet blanket.
10. He is just like kink in the dog's tail.
Please resist from becoming one.
08 April, 2011
Have a great day.
Earnestly placing ten orders before the Universe, the
powerful supplier of any request of any living being.
1. Help earthquake victims in Japan.
powerful supplier of any request of any living being.
1. Help earthquake victims in Japan.
2. Let every one remain in peace and happiness.
3. Keep mind 10 percent empty for clear thinking.
4. Keep silence in the face of whatever adversity.
5. Have no desires.
6. Increase power of tolerance.
7. Unmoved by provocation of impostor. (Here impostor means projecting oneself above one's designation)
8. Peace in the world.
9. No desire of fruits of deed or blocking anybody's advance.
10. End to all types of corruption in society.
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