Have a great day.
"Do the work allotted to you, because action is better than inaction; even your physical life cannot be run without action."
31 May, 2011
27 May, 2011
20 May, 2011
12 May, 2011
08 May, 2011
06 May, 2011

Have a great day.
“Children are begging.
Women are assaulted.
Physically challenged are dying slow death.
Poor people are getting infected by more diseases in the slums.
Girl child is still being killed.
Corruption is still rising high.
Circumstances are still forcing young girls to sell their bodies.
Their screaming out for help is deafening for ears and aching for the heart.
We can’t sleep peacefully with so much noise around.
We have to replace the ’scream for help’ with the ’screams of joy and happiness’.”
-------an email content.
You will love it.

Don’t argue
Know your medium
Think freely to be clear in your thought
Don’t mind what the ignorant says
Don’t feel shy to say, silence please!
Don’t expect any thing
Watch silently
Be an observer than a spectator
Speakers tell a bundle of lies and borrowed facts
Desist from hollow praises
Revitalise energy with actively pursuing your hobbies.
Don’t befriend with gossip-seekers and rumour-mongers
Don’t allow a negative person speak to you
Say no to gossip
Practice patience
Smile often
Savour special moments
Make new friends
Discard worries
Forgive a human being
See beauty everywhere
Spread joy
Don’t fret and fume
Forget bickering
Never lose temper
Decline everything, politely
Stop quarrelling to remain in peace