
28 May, 2010


Have a great day.

Jharkhand has been in political turmoil ever since it was carved out from Bihar on November 15, 2000, largely because of the politicians' divided opinions and personal ambitions, ignoring state's interests and making it the first state where development has been a virtual non-starter.

They should read and decipher the following lines written by a great political thinker.

"Dogmatism is an enemy to peace, and an insuperable barrier to democracy...(blatant lies and opportunism is the death nail for democracy too)...

"But so long as men are not trained to withhold judgement in the absense of evidence, they will be led astray by cocksure prophets, and it is likely that their leaders will be either ignorant fanatics or dishonest charlatans...

"....becomes divided into rival groups of fanatics, each group firmly persuaded that its own brand of nonsense is sacred truth, while the other side's is damnable heresy...

"Our confused and difficult world needs various things if it is to escape disaster, and among these one of the most necessary is that, in the nations which still uphold liberal beliefs, these beliefs should be wholehearted and profound, not apologetic towards dogmatisms of the right and of the left, but deeply persuaded of the value of liberty, scientific freedom, and mutual forbearance. For without these beliefs life on our politically divided but technically unified planet will hardly continue to be possible."

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